The CSDV Board of Trustees and an executive office of three professionals provide system-wide governance of these institutions to ensure alignment of missions, consistency of core educational principles, and effective use of resources. The Trustees’ authority includes reviewing and approving annual operating budgets for the schools.
The Church Schools
CSDV operates as six educational institutions, each separately accredited, collectively serving more than 3,500 students from age 3 to grade 12 and unified by their Episcopal identity:
CSDV’s system model is uncommon in the independent-school world, and this organization strengthens each of its constituent schools and leverages the benefits of collective scale. CSDV’s century-long record speaks to what can be achieved and sustained when many work as one, and when each recognizes itself as being part of something greater. CSDV schools are intentionally pluralistic, seeking to serve all human beings as children of a loving, empowering God.
The schools vary substantially in their enrollment size, whether they are co-educational, and whether they offer boarding. Accordingly, CSDV trustees delegate much of their fine-grained oversight to a Board of Governors at each institution. Boards of Governors consist of alumni, current parents and other community members with deep investment in the school. All Governors are appointed by the Chair of the Trustees of Church Schools and approved by the Bishop of the Diocese of Virginia.
Day-to-day management and strategic planning for each school lies with its Head of School, who selects and manages a senior administrative team to execute that vision.